I am certified as a LEED Green Associate. LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, and it's used to rate a building's environmental sustainability. LEED ratings are used all over the world, for all types of building projects, and I’m proud to have the LEED certification.
It’s not just about the acronym for me, though. With a passion for green living, I integrate sustainable practices into my personal and professional life whenever possible. For my recent kitchen renovation, the cost was important but so were the materials involved: How were they made? What were they made of? Did they emit harmful gases? How far did the materials have to travel? These were some of the general sustainability questions that came up for me, and they informed the choices I made.
I am excited to see more and more people acknowledging the importance of sustainable living. But with the ocean of information on the internet, it's easy to get overwhelmed when researching how green living can impact your life.
As a LEED Green Associate, I combine the traditional services of a Realtor® with the ability to help you understand the various elements that make a home more sustainable.
Here are a few of my favorite sites. Click here for a complete list. And please let me know if you have a link to share!
Boston Building Materials Co-op and Resource Center—mostly recycled building materials
Mass Save—offers home energy audits and energy efficiency rebates for homes and businesses in Massachusetts
Carbon Footprint Calculations www.earthlab.com and www.carbonfund.org
Earth911—Local recycling options
Greener Choices—Products for a better planet www.greenerchoices.org
Residential remodeling program created by ASID and USGBC
#greenliving #realestate #LEED #buildgreen #sustainability #sustainablebuildingmaterials #solarpanels #windpower #recycledbuildingmaterials #ecofriendlybuilding #ecofriendlyrealestate #green
Regardless of what Punxsutawney Phil has to say, the spring real estate market can begin as early as the day after the Superbowl. If you want to take advantage of the most robust market of the year, now is the time to take steps to prepare.
You may have heard or read about a recent settlement between the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and the Department of Justice that resulted in several significant changes to how real estate commissions are handled. We’d like to address how we are responding to the settlement, and how changes may affect you.
You may have heard or read about a recent settlement between the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and the Department of Justice that resulted in several significant changes to how real estate commissions are handled. We’d like to address how we are responding to the settlement, and how changes may affect you.
With their complementary communication styles, responsiveness, competence, and ability to truly listen, Ellie and Liz enable their clients to feel at ease throughout any real estate transaction. They would welcome the opportunity to be your next real estate advisors.
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