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End of year donations

12/22/20  |  Ellie Botshon

Part of the end-of-year holiday celebrations for us is giving gifts to friends and family, but also to those in need.

We feel privileged and honored to be in the position to make donations in the midst of a pandemic, and have chosen the One Chelsea Fund as our team’s charity.
As Covid-19 made its way into Massachusetts last spring, Chelsea emerged as an early hotspot. Soon after, the economic downturn ravaged Chelsea’s community of immigrants and working class residents. The United Way identified Chelsea as a city in need, and sponsored the One Chelsea Fund. It was administered by three local organizations: GreenRoots, TND, and La Colaborativa. Every cent of the $1.3 million collected went directly to people in need as $250 checks, no strings attached; and if you’re a savvy giver to charity, you know that's as good as it gets!
One Chelsea Fund wrapped up Phase One mid-summer, then pivoted this fall to focus on housing support. Many of the hardest-hit residents are renters and have been anxiously following the eviction moratorium situation. Massachusetts’s moratorium ended in October, but the Centers for Disease Control imposed a national eviction ban until the end of January, 2021. No federal aid is being provided to pay back rent, however, which will be overwhelming to many families and individuals. We make our living helping people find homes; it seemed fitting to donate to an organization that is working to keep people in their homes.
Please consider donating to this or a similar group before the end of the year. If you want to stay hyper-local, check out one of the three organizations listed above who have been running the fund; they all continue their important work in Chelsea. You can also use Charity Navigator to help you find a charity that does the work you care about and is run responsibly.
We wish you all a happy and healthy end of 2020. Here’s to a 2021 full of promise!

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